About Little Puddles
At Little Puddles we believe that the child must come first, their happiness is our prime directive. We understand that these early years are paramount in any child’s development. We will endeavour to bring out the best in a child. This our goal from the top to the bottom of our staffing structure. This is achieved throughout warmth, attention, encouragement and understanding. All children are welcome from all backgrounds and cultures. Little Puddles staff are trained beyond the standard level 5 requirement, with diplomas in childcare. Our staff promote a happy and relaxed home from home atmosphere using a positive approach, and encouragement. Our environment is a safe and relaxed atmosphere with as little amount of stress as possible with emotional warmth and support.
Our care manger has a degree in child psychology, the management incorporates the philosophy of embracing all types of children’s needs. We will encourage our children to get out as much as possible weather permitting in our all-weather outdoor area. We have parks close to us and we encourage children to run and play in a wide-open space and embrace nature as much as possible.
At little Puddles good wholesome food is also an effectual stimulus in the growth of a child. Little Puddles meals are prepared with low salt and sugar contents. Our chief is off site in a professional kitchen with a five-star rating from the Environmental Health Agency. We are also in partnership with Tesco for all our fruit and snakes. We also have a treat Friday to give the children some time off the menu, which is very popular. We have a new menu every week.